FACT: Dioxin (the toxic contaminant in Agent Orange) is found in Da Nang at up to 365,000 parts per million. This is more than 300 times what the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry considers to require immediate remediation.
In a more-than-welcome announcement for thousands of Vietnamese families, the United States and Viet Nam has signed an agreement to clean up the toxic 'hot spot' in Da Nang. The United States appropriated $16.9 million toward the $34 million project in 2010 and work will commence in July 2011. There are still lots of work to be done, Da Nang is only one of the hundreds of 'hot spots' still left throughout Viet Nam and millions of disabled Vietnamese (many are children) affected by Agent Orange.
To learn more and to join our effort, visit www.makeagentorangehistory.org .
Below: photos from our recent tour (October 2010) of the 'hot spot' located in the Da Nang Airport (former U.S Airbase during the war).
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