Christmas Celebration by the children of the Go Vap Orphanage (Saigon, Viet Nam), December 2009:
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Go Vap Orphanage - Jingle Bells
Christmas Celebration by the children of the Go Vap Orphanage (Saigon, Viet Nam), December 2009:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saigon - Wednesday December 23, 2009
Ready to party?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Go Vap Orphanage - Tuesday December 22, 2009
Just the nick of time
My first prayer for today was answered, all of the luggage arrived safe (it's the 250 pounds of gifts for the orphanage we were worried about).
When we told Mrs. Loan, vice director of the orphanage, that we brought plenty of toys and candies her eyes and face lit up. She told us that she did not anticipate toys from us, and up until two days ago all they have collected were few used toys. The ususal source of toy donation for Chirstmas did not come through this year. So another prayer was answered.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saigon - Tuesday December 22, 2009
Christmas in Viet Nam
Warmest Greetings from Saigon, Viet Nam.
We Have Lift Off
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday - November 8, 2009: Saigon
Today I will spend part of my day tracing information for one of the adoptees, Viktoria Cowley who is currently living in London. Arming myself with old photos and 34 year- old information, I walk the new neighborhood looking for an old orphanage. The district is no longer under the same name, street names have been changed, and the orphanage has been closed down since the end of the war. You can view a brief trailer of a documentary by the BBC, Special Delivery The Babies of the Mercy Mission, featuring Viktoria at .
This is not the first time I have been involved with tracing and connecting one of the thousands of adoptees with their past. I am glad that I could be a very small part of their journey. In April 2010, Operation Reunite will bring many of these adoptees back to Viet Nam, some for the very first time. If you know of any adoptees from Operation Babylift or Mercy Mission, please contact us. Team Operation Reunite would like to connect with them
2010 will also mark the 35th anniversary of the end of the war. The 12th HumaniTour Viet Nam is scheduled for March 27 through April 4, 2010. Sign up now if you want to travel with us, please write to for more information.
Kim Browne (center) is one of the 1975 Viet Nam adoptees in London, and a member of team Operation Reunite and Global Ambassador of KWB. Kim left Viet Nam when she was two months old and returned to the Go Vap Orphanage for the first time in 2007. Since then, Kim is a devoted volunteer and supporter of the orphanage.
Son Michael Pham reporting from Saigon
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday - November 7, 2009: Saigon
We meet at the usual restaurant. Some of the kids have to travel several hours by bus to reach the city center. We have done this so many times, they all know the routine. Each comes looking his/her best, it is the biggest event of the year since the last reunion (back in July) and until the next one (next year in April).
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday - November 6, 2009: Saigon
View more photos at
Watch short video of the orphans in the Go Vap Orphanage English class.
Son Michael Pham reporting from Saigon
Thursday - November 5, 2009: Saigon
George and Joyce, suurounded by some of the Teach Me To Fish orphans (and two children of one of the orphan)
Son Michael Pham reporting from Saigon
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday - November 4, 2009: Hanoi
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday - November 3, 2009: Hanoi
Saving lives: I visited with two medical doctors from the U.S. They are in Viet Nam with a medical team from CardioStart International performing and teaching life saving heart surgery for children with congenital heart defects. The team is working at the Viet Duc Hospital preparing for the very first Human Tissue Valve Replacement performed in Viet Nam.
Monday - November 2, 2009: Hai Phong:
Some of the Teach Me To Fish (TM2F) orphans (and their children) at a reunion in Hai Phong, the usual gathering spot whenever I visit them.
- Duong (female): she continues to do excellent in school. Duong also takes English night classes and her English is better every day. She is scheduled to leave the orphanage in July 2010.
- Dien (female): she is currently working in a factory in Hai Phong. Dien completed her training in hotel service (housekeeping and room attendant) in Hanoi last year. She got very good reviews working as a trainee/intern at a five star hotel in Hanoi. Unfortunately due to the slow down in tourism, Dien was not able to land a hotel job after she completed her internship. Dien moved back to Hai Phong and found a job in a textile factory. She had some health problems and we were able to get her the needed treatment. Dien has one physical obstacle which prevents her from landing a decent job: her height. Even though she is pleasant, hard working, and willing to learn, employers consider her too short.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday - November 1, 2009: Hai Phong
I joined one of the families for lunch. The kids spent all morning preparing a delicious meal. We all sat in a circle on the floor on straw mats enjoying lunch. After cleaning up and doing the dishes, the kids skipped the usual 'siesta' and instead they gathered around me in the courtyard under the shades for conversation and small games. It was a beautiful day in Hai Phong with temperature in the low 80s, sunny blue skies, and a constant breeze.
Meet Sarah (left) and Virag, two of the volunteers supporting the Hoa Phuong Orphanage program.
Sarah, from Norway:
I live in Hai Phong because I'm working at the Harbor View Hotel as a trainee.I am originally from Norway where I got my Hotel Management degree. I got involved in this charity project through the hotel and I think it is a nice way to do something for the children in the orphanage. What I especially like about the Music Project is that it involves music and its aim to give the children more than their "basic needs" like food and shelter. This Music Project wants to give the children self confidence and skils that can provide a positive effect on their self image. I like it :)
Smiling children, always love to pose for photos
Look who wants to join us at lunch
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday - October 31, 2009: Saigon
Met a new baby arrived at the orphanage just one week ago. His name is Phan Chien Thang. Chien Thang can be translated as Victory. Unfortunately Victory ended up in the Go Vap Orphanage barely two months old with some major challenges. Victory was born with no ears, not even ear holes on either side of his head. It also appears that he is blind.
Victory is one of the almost 300 kids in Go Vap, most are either with life threatening illnesses or disabled. Next Friday, I will accompany a team of medical doctors from the U.S on a medical mission in Viet Nam by Project Viet Nam. They will have a busy day meeting with the orphanage doctors, nurses, and staff and reviewing the most urgent cases.
Victory sleeping peacefully in his crib
Nhat, survived hydrocephalus
Always happy, orphans with developmental and/or physical disabilities
Son Michael Pham reporting from Saigon.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Chu (Uncle) Son is back in Viet Nam - Fall 2009
Saturday - October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
- Sign up for one of the two HumaniTours to Viet Nam. Learn more:
CARE NIGHT - Cascade Elementary School
Vietnamese American Nongovernmental Organization (VA-NGO) Network
Thursday, October 1, 2009
HumaniTours Viet Nam 2010

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Haiphong (Hai Phong City, Viet Nam)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Local Surgeon Offers to Help Multilated Boy from Vietnam

Watch news video:
Miracle Baby gets help in Houston
Watch news video:
Miracle Baby comes to Houston
A little boy known as a miracle baby is in Houston. The 3-year-old was abandoned in the middle Viet Nam at birth and mauled by a wild animal.
Watch news video: