About MeySen Academy:
Over its 40 year history, MeySen has become one of Japan’s premier educational institutions specializing in Early Childhood Development and English as a Foreign Language. Over the last thirty years, many of the MeySen students (7th grade students) have visited the U.S through the Homestay Program.

Friday, March 11th, 2011:
Sendai was hit with the largest earthquake in Japan’s history which triggered a tsunami that devastated the surrounding area. Thankfully, school buildings are still standing. Teachers bicycled to work in the following days and were able to contact each family. Most of the children have been accounted for, yet through these phone calls the school was informed of how the scope and reality of the disaster has affected each family. In addition, MeySen spared no expense to evacuate its foreign staff and to become a base for aid organizations who are distributing basic necessities to the immediate community.
MeySen Schools in Sendai, Japan have been extremely blessed amid this disaster. However, there is a huge task at hand starting with providing the basic needs in the community, supporting teachers, students and families who have been affected, and ensuring the safety of the school. Friends of MeySen (friendsofmeysen.wordpress.com) was launched to coordinate the efforts of worldwide Friends of MeySen and to provide the avenue which people can donate directly to this effort.
The Friends of MeySen project is sponsored by Kids Without Borders. 100% of contributions will go to support this project. To make your online contribution, visit: http://kidswithnoborders.org/Donations.asp
For more information, please visit: http://friendsofmeysen.wordpress.com
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